Get up and Dance
We move regardless…

No one cares if you can’t dance, just get up and dance
I don’t know who to attribute this quote to, but it is one of my top quotes, up there with the greats. It resonates with me in everyday life, not just because I can dance (FYI !) but because it is my philosophy to approaching decision making.
The quote speaks to a dancer’s passion, but permit me to borrow it for a teachable moment 😁. For me, the quote paints a mental picture of being in a party, everyone is dancing, having a good time, and you are feeling anxious about dancing, because of your lack of dance skills. But the reality is, almost everyone else is as anxious as you are and focused on their own dance moves.
The quote is not just about not caring what others think, but also bias to action. Waiting to be prepared can be a waste of time. This is one of the shortcomings of formal education. It preconditions our mind to prepare extensively before applying our knowledge. Holding off is not bad, however, it might be holding us back in other areas.
Ridden with incapabilities is itself a lot of uncertainty. It is hard for us to take action when we face uncertainty, however, that is the only way out. That’s why I love the phrase, “WE MOVE”, it is largely a call for action regardless of your predicament. Movement is improvement.
This appears is leadership too. And leadership doesn’t only mean leading a group of people, you could/should also lead yourself.
90% of leadership is showing up.
In design thinking, we cherish rapid prototyping. The art of learning by doing. Show what you have, as imperfect as it may be, and learn from the feedback you get. Done is never done.
If you really want to do something, you don’t need to wait till you are ready, or fully capable before proceeding to take action.
Start where you are.
A fool is the precursor to the saviour. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
So, nobody cares if you can’t _______, just get up and _______.
While you’re here, enjoy this video of Kamala Harris dancing!